As you age, it can be increasingly difficult to take care of your dental hygiene. Especially since your teeth might lose their strength over time, you might have more and more dental issues as you or your loved ones grow older. Here are a few ways seniors can prevent major dental hygiene issues.
Take Care of Your Oral Hygiene
First off, Millenium Dental says you should have a foundation of good oral hygiene habits. It is important to brush your teeth for a few minutes at least twice a day. It is also important that you floss your teeth daily since food residue can get stuck in between teeth, causing cavities or infections. If you struggle with cavities, using an electric toothbrush or waterpik flosser, which can greatly improve your oral hygiene. Drinking fluoridated water and using fluoride toothpaste can also strengthen your teeth and decrease your oral health issues.
Eat a Healthy Diet
Another great way to prevent major dental issues is to get into the habit of eating a healthy diet. There are certain foods that can strengthen your teeth, and there are certain foods that can cause issues such as cavities and infections. For example, Maccaro Pediatric Dentistry says fibrous fruits and vegetables are great for your teeth. Starchy foods and sugary foods, on the other hand, can cause your teeth to be more susceptible to cavities. Even acidic foods such as oranges or lemons can wear down your teeth over time if eaten very often. By having a balanced diet and tracking what you eat, you can reduce the risk of oral health issues.
Visit the Dentist
Finally, Alexandria Art of Dentistry says it is very important that you and your aging loved ones visit the dentist regularly. Especially since your teeth get more sensitive and worn down as you age, your biannual visits to the dentist become even more important. In these visits, you’ll likely have a routine cleaning and flossing, as well as have some tests done that can detect cavities or infections. If you end up having some issues with your oral hygiene, your dentist will be able to give you the best advice on how to resolve and treat those issues.
As you’re trying to figure out how you can help your loved ones to maintain their oral health, remember the suggestions that have been discussed in this article. Taking the different lifestyle steps to prevent major dental issues can help simplify some of the health issues that happen as you age. Remember to implement these different steps to promote the best dental health possible for yourself and your loved ones.
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